sabato 9 luglio 2016

... dal blog di Barnard ...

THE DALLAS MASSACRE IS JUSTICE. THERE IS NO OTHER JUSTICE LEFT FOR US. I’m Italian and today I feel sick. We learned that the Italian Police torturers that in 2001 beat to a pulp hundreds of peaceful demonstrators, including old people and medics, and tortured kids as young as 20 in Police stations during the G8 meeting in Genoa (girls stripped naked and raped for 12 hours) have received… fines! of 47 euros each. Not one of them has been sentenced to any time in prison. This revolting Police impunity has then lead to more horror cases, like the recent massacre of two youngsters found tortured to death in Police custody after only a few hours from arrest. The Dallas massacre is justice. I lived in the US for a long time. Blacks there have been routinely abused and killed for 60 years by the Police and almost never the officers get sentenced. Hundreds of cases of racial Police abuse go unreported. There is no justice for blacks there, zero. So… Tell me, what means does the US African American community have left to fight for its human rights? WHAT MEANS? The law? Don’t make me laugh, this is a sick joke like kidding about Auschwitz. In the US unless you have a fortune you’d better not even try to take anyone even near a court. Activism? Oh really? Since the murder of M. L. King, African Americans have staged tens of thousands of peaceful protests and demonstration, to what avail? What? Zero. The US Constitution? Well, do you know that this much celebrated US Constitution has still enshrined in its original draft the statement that “Niggers are three fifth humans”? Did they amend that? No. So, what are the means available to the African American community to get justice, really? WHERE ARE THESE MEANS? Do you realise that the Powers that be have left us no choice but to kill? Democracy is dead. The Law is a farce. Protesting is ignored. To kill, yes. As the Mahatma Gandhi said, when you are faced by a tyrannical huge power that leaves you no choice, you either become a martyr and march into the line of fire to get blown to bits, or you kill the enemy. Yes, he said that: you can kill the tyrants. Ask yourself a question: who forever defends these tyrants from popular justice, who defends the judges that forever acquit the brutal racist Police assassins? The Police. And so it is right to kill them, even indiscriminately, and do you know why? I’ll explain it to you. When a guy decides to wear the Police uniform for a living he must ask himself the following question: WHAT KIND OF A JOB WILL I DO? WHO WILL I BE ASKED TO BEAT TO A PULP? MR OBAMA PERHAPS? GOLDMAN SACHS ECONOMIC HITMEN PERHAPS? THE SUPER RICH? OR WILL I BE SENT TO SMASH PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS, OR WILL I HAVE TO WATCH COLLEAGUES ABUSE AND KILL MINORITIES AND REMAIN SILENT? OR WILL I HAVE TO BEAT THE DESPERATE UNEMPLOYED AND THE WORKERS, THE HOMELESS AND THE STUDENTS? Yes dear Officer, you wear a uniform, but you never asked yourself those questions. You got your job, your gun, and feel ok. And when you superiors send you to protect the Powerful and to smash the weak, you do it and ask yourself no questions. Never seen the Police refuse to crack innocent peoples’ skulls open if ordered to do so, never seen them refusing to protect the tyrants that impoverish us, never seen them desert the force in mass because of the racial horrors their colleagues perpetrate. Never seen this, in fact it never happened. So? So, sorry you Policemen and women, you have no excuse, you are ACCOMPLICES to a tyrannical system from which we cannot defend ourselves with democracy, and you always GET AWAY WITH IT. You now get killed and that’s right. We, the people, would have very much preferred to challenge your bestiality in the Courts of Law, but we have no Justice left anymore, they’ve taken that away from us, those that you protect. So… R.I.P.

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