venerdì 30 novembre 2012

... fine mese ...

... vigilia di un incontro che potrebbe rivelarsi importante ...

mercoledì 28 novembre 2012


dedicato a una lei

... rientrare
nella mia vita di ogni giorno
con il suo tran tran,
dopo averti vista e sentita,
è cosa dura ...

... vorrei proseguire
il nostro dialogo ...

... vorrei, se me lo concedi,
in punta di piedi camminando
continuare umilmente
ad esplorare la tua anima ...

martedì 27 novembre 2012

... uno spiraglio di luce? ...

... l'incontro tanto atteso, la cui attesa mi aveva emozionato si è risolto con un si da parte di lei ... ed ora devo procedere senza commettere errori, per costruire qualcosa di solido e di duraturo ... l'esperienza degli errori e delle passate sconfitte spero mi aiuterà a non fare passi falsi ...

venerdì 23 novembre 2012

A Thanksgiving Day Note ...from Michael Moore

A Thanksgiving Day Note ...from Michael Moore

Thursday, November 22nd, 2012


As tough as times still are, I hope you can join me today in giving thanks that our country seems to have turned a corner – away from politicians who win with hate and fear, and toward a future where we can be the best of who we are. It's a good day to heed the wise words of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 on his first Thanksgiving in office:

"May we ask guidance in more surely learning the ancient truth that greed and selfishness and striving for undue riches can never bring lasting happiness or good to the individual or to his neighbors. May we be grateful for the passing of dark days ... for the brighter day to which we can win through by seeking the help of God in a more unselfish striving for the common bettering of mankind."

Since then it's always been two steps forward and one step back ... or sometimes it's felt like 200 steps forward and 199 steps back. But today I'm thankful we're moving in the right direction and picking up speed.

(Also, I'm not saying there's a connection, but in 1934, just one year after FDR spoke of the "common bettering of mankind," the Lions moved from Portsmouth, Ohio to Detroit and established the Thanksgiving Day Classic so that on this special day, before we sit down with loved ones to give thanks, we get to watch the Lions lose. Pass the turkey!)

Michael Moore

P.S. If you can, please support the amazing efforts of #OccupySandy to help people on the East Coast still struggling this Thanksgiving to recover from last month's terrible hurricane.

giovedì 22 novembre 2012

... come sto? ...

... una sintesi quasi perfetta del mio stato d'animo attuale ...

martedì 20 novembre 2012

An Open Letter to President Obama …from Michael Moore

An Open Letter to President Obama …from Michael Moore
Monday, November 19th, 2012
Dear President Obama:
Good luck on your journeys overseas this week, and congratulations on decisively winning your second term as our president! The first time you won four years ago, most of us couldn't contain our joy and found ourselves literally in tears over your victory.
This time, it was more like breathing a huge sigh of relief. But, like the smooth guy you are, you scored the highest percentage of the vote of any Democrat since Lyndon Johnson, and you racked up the most votes for a Democratic president in the history of the United States (the only one to receive more votes than you was ... you, in '08!). You are the first Democrat to get more than 50% of the vote twice in a row since Franklin D. Roosevelt.
This was truly another historic election and I would like to take a few minutes of your time to respectfully ask that your second term not resemble your first term.
It's not that you didn't get anything done. You got A LOT done. But there are some very huge issues that have been left unresolved and, dammit, we need you to get some fight in you. Wall Street and the uber-rich have been conducting a bloody class war for over 30 years and it's about time they were stopped.
I know it is not in your nature to be aggressive or confrontational. But, please, Barack – DO NOT listen to the pundits who are telling you to make the "grand compromise" or move to the "center" (FYI – you're already there). Your fellow citizens have spoken and we have rejected the crazed ideology of this Republican Party and we insist that you forcefully proceed in bringing about profound change that will improve the lives of the 99%. We're done hoping. We want real change. And, if we can't get it in the second term of a great and good man like you, then really – what's the use? Why are we even bothering? Yes, we're that discouraged and disenchanted.
At your first post-election press conference last Wednesday you were on fire. The way you went all "Taxi Driver" on McCain and company ("You talkin' to me?") was so brilliant and breathtaking I had to play it back a dozen times just to maintain the contact high. Jesus, that look – for a second I thought laser beams would be shooting out of your eyes! MORE OF THAT!! PLEASE!!
In the weeks after your first election you celebrated by hiring the Goldman Sachs boys and Wall Street darlings to run our economy. Talk about a buzzkill that I never fully recovered from. Please – not this time. This time take a stand for all the rest of us – and if you do, tens of millions of us will not only have your back, we will swoop down on Congress in a force so large they won't know what hit them (that's right, McConnell – you're on the retirement list we've put together for 2014).
BUT – first you have to do the job we elected you to do. You have to take your massive 126-electoral vote margin and just go for it.
Here are my suggestions:
1. DRIVE THE RICH RIGHT OFF THEIR FISCAL CLIFF. The "fiscal cliff" is a ruse, an invention by the Right and the rich, to try and keep their huge tax breaks. On December 31, let ALL the tax cuts expire. Then, on January 1, put forth a bill that restores the tax cuts for 98% of the public. I dare the Republicans to vote against that! They can't and they won't. As for the spending cuts, the 2011 agreement states that, for every domestic program dollar the Republicans want to cut, a Pentagon dollar must also be cut. See, you are a genius! No way will the Right vote against the masters of war. And if by some chance they do, you can immediately put forth legislation to restore all the programs we, the majority, approve of. And for God's sake, man – declare Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid untouchable. They're not bankrupt or anywhere near it. If the rich paid the same percentage of Social Security tax on their entire income – the same exact rate everyone else pays – then there will suddenly be enough money in Social Security to last til at least the year 2080!
2. END ALL THE WARS NOW. Do not continue the war in Afghanistan (a thoroughly losing proposition if ever there was one) for two full more years! Why should one single more person have to die FOR NO REASON? Stop it. You know it's wrong. Bin Laden's dead, al Qaeda is decimated and the Afghans have to work out their own problems. Also, end the drone strikes and other covert military activities you are conducting in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Colombia and God knows where else. You think history is going to remember the United States as a great democracy? No, they're going to think of us as a nation that became addicted to war. They'll call us warlords. They'll say that in the 21st century America was so in need of oil that we'd kill anyone to get it. You know that's where this is going. This has to stop. Now.
3. END THE DRUG WAR. It is not only an abysmal failure, it has returned us to the days of slavery. We have locked up millions of African-Americans and Latinos and now fund a private prison-industrial complex that makes billions for a few lucky rich people. There are other ways to deal with the drugs that do cause harm – ways built around a sense of decency and compassion. We look like a bunch of sadistic racists. Stop it.
4. DECLARE A MORATORIUM ON HOME FORECLOSURES AND EVICTIONS. Millions of people are facing homelessness because of a crooked system enacted by the major banks and Wall Street firms. Put a pause on this and take 12 months to work out a different way (like, restructuring families' mortgages to reflect the true worth of their homes).
5. GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. You already know this one. The public is sick of it. Now's the time to act.
6. EXPAND OBAMACARE. Your health care law doesn't cover everyone. It is a cash cow for the insurance industry. Push for a single-payer system – Medicare for All – and include dentistry and mental health. This is the single biggest thing you could do to reduce the country's deficit.
7. RESTORE GLASS-STEAGALL. You must put back all the rigid controls on Wall Street that Reagan, Clinton and the Bushes removed – or else we face the possibility of another, much worse, crash. If they break the law, prosecute them the way you currently go after whistleblowers and medical marijuana dispensaries.
8. REDUCE STUDENT LOAN DEBT. No 22-year-old should have to enter the real world already in a virtual debtors' prison. This is cruel and no other democracy does this like we do. You were right to eliminate the banks as the profit-gouging lenders, but now you have to bring us back to the days when you and I were of college age and a good education cost us little or next to nothing. A few less wars would go a long to way to being able to afford this.
9. FREE BRADLEY MANNING. End the persecution and prosecution of an American hero. Bush and Cheney lied to a nation to convince us to go to war. Manning allegedly hacked the war criminals' files and then shared them with the American public (and the world) so that we could learn the truth about Iraq and Afghanistan. Our history is full of such people who "break the law" for the greater good of humanity. Army Specialist Bradley Manning deserves a medal, not prison.
10. ASK US TO DO SOMETHING. One thing is clear: none of the above is going to happen if you don't immediately mobilize the 63,500,000 who voted for you (and the other 40 million who are for you but didn't vote). You can't go this alone. You need an army of everyday Americans who will fight alongside you to make this a more just and peaceful nation. In your 2008 campaign, you were a pioneer in using social media to win the election. Over 15 million of us gave you our cell numbers or email addresses so you could send us texts and emails telling us what needed to be done to win the election. Then, as soon as you won, it was as if you hit the delete button. We never heard from you again. (Until this past year when you kept texting us to send you $25. Inspiring.) Whoever your internet and social media people were should have been given their own office in the West Wing – and we should have heard from you. Constantly. Need a bill passed? Text us and we will mobilize! The Republicans are filibustering? We can stop them! They won't approve your choice for Secretary of State? We'll see about that! You say you were a community organizer. Please – start acting like one.
The next four years can be one of those presidential terms that changed the course of America. I'm sure you will want to be judged on how you stood up for us, restored the middle class, ended the s***ting on the poor and made us a friend to the rest of the world instead of a threat. You can do this. We can do it with you. All that stands in the way is your understandable desire to sing "Kumbaya" with the Republicans. Don't waste your breath. Their professed love of America is negated by their profound hatred of you. Don't waste a minute on them. Fix the sad mess we're in. Go back and read this month's election results. We're with you.
Michael Moore
P.S. President Obama – my cell number to text me at is 810-522-8398 and my email is I await my first assignment!

venerdì 16 novembre 2012

... pensieri ...


"Non mi sono perso,
sto cercando strade alternative per raggiungere la mia meta"♥

martedì 13 novembre 2012

... the worst is yet to come ...

... questa volta capovolgo il senso della frase del Presidente Obama per adattarla alla mia situazione attuale, ai problemi che con il passar del tempo diventano di sempre più difficile soluzione ... di una cosa però sono certo: continuerò a lottare, a combattere fino a quando mi sarà consentito, fino al finale "game over"...  

... il manifesto di Gustavo Zagrebelsky


Libertà e Giustizia non è un partito politico, ma un’associazione di cultura politica, ispirata ai due principi indicati nella sua stessa denominazione. Il suo metodo è la ragione applicata ai fatti. Allontaniamoci, allora, un poco dai particolari della cronaca politica quotidiana e cerchiamo di intravedere l’insieme dei fatti per ricavarne linee di pensiero e d’azione.
Nella vita politica d’insieme, le idee, le percezioni, le illusioni e le indignazioni che contano non sono necessariamente quelle veritiere. Sono quelle che permeano le coscienze, fanno senso comune e muovono i comportamenti dei grandi numeri, vere o false che siano. In ogni caso, sono semplificazioni e, proprio per questo, sono efficaci. Poiché sono efficaci, esse sono, per l’appunto, “fatti”, non effimere impressioni che passano da sé.
a. La prima idea-fatto – inutile dirlo – si esprime con la parola “casta”: giri intrecciati di potere politico, burocratico, economico e finanziario che si auto-alimentano per nepotismo e cooptazione, in base a patti di protezione e fedeltà; potere per il potere, inamovibile, spesso occulto e illegale; disuguaglianze crescenti tra chi sta dentro e chi fuori, chi sopra e chi sotto; privilegi e stili di vita incomparabili; ricchezza crescente e povertà dilagante. Una grande divisione sociale, per la quale, un tempo, fu coniata l’espressione “razza padrona”. La lotta di classe di un tempo pare diventare, o già essere diventata lotta di casta, e a parti invertite: non degli sfruttati contro gli sfruttatori, ma degli sfruttatori contro gli sfruttati. Forse, ancora non si percepisce la dimensione globale di questa immensa ingiustizia, rispetto alla quale gli abusi, le corruttele, i furti di casa nostra, per quanto insopportabili, sono quisquilie. Quando si percepirà, cioè si farà strada l’idea, la reazione sarà la restaurazione delle piccole patrie, delle piccole comunità, come rifugi al tempo stesso protettivi e aggressivi: una vecchia storia.
b. La seconda idea-fatto è l’identificazione del potere che s’è detto sopra con le Istituzioni. La politica moderna si basa sulla distinzione tra le Istituzioni e coloro che le impersonano e le servono. L’idea odierna è il rovesciamento: coloro che stanno nelle istituzioni se ne servono. In tal modo, ogni degenerazione dei primi viene percepita come vizio delle seconde. I corrotti, gli insipienti, i dilettanti, gli arroganti, ecc. che operano nelle istituzioni non sono solo cattivi soggetti per sé stessi, ma lo sono anche di più per le Istituzioni democratiche. Nessuna azione antidemocratica è più efficace della corruzione e della propaganda che si basa su di essa. Anche questa è una vecchia storia.
c. La terza idea-fatto è che tutto s’equivale e che “sono tutti uguali”. Di conseguenza, non c’è nulla di possibile e nessuno di cui ci si possa fidare. Tanto vale, allora, starsene a guardare, sperando nella palingenesi, cioè nel crollo della politica e delle sue istituzioni e nell’apparizione di qualcuno che faccia piazza pulita. Che questa prospettiva esista e possa diventare persino maggioritaria è il crimine maggiore che dobbiamo imputare alla generazione che è la nostra. Di nuovo, ci appaiono i fantasmi d’una vecchia storia che si deve sapere dove porta.
Queste generalizzazioni sono sbagliate. Sono anzi trappole pericolose. Ma sono fatti. Come le vediamo contrastare? Con vuote banalità e con azioni controproducenti. La prima banalità è l’accusa di antipolitica, che evita di fare i conti con le ragioni che allontanano dalla politica e si presta, contro chi la pronuncia, a essere ritorta con la stessa, se non con maggiore forza. Chi è, infatti, il vero antipolitico? La domanda è a risposta aperta. Non serve a nulla l’anatema. Serve solo la buona politica. Non bastano le parole, quelle parole che si possono pronunciare a basso costo; parole banali anch’esse, che non vogliono dire nulla perché non si potrebbe che essere d’accordo. Nella politica, che è il luogo delle scelte e delle responsabilità, dovrebbe valere la regola: tutte le parole che dicono ciò che non può che essere così, sono vietate. Non vogliono dire nulla riforme, moralità, rinnovamento, innovazione, merito, coesione, condivisione, giovani, generazioni future, ecc.: vuota retorica del nostro tempo che tanto più si gonfia di “valori”, tanto più è povera di contenuti. Chi mai direbbe d’essere contro queste belle cose?
Alle vuote parole che non costano niente, corrispondono azioni e omissioni nefaste, anzi suicide. Si scoprono ora (!) ruberie, inimmaginabili nel mondo normale, e s’invoca subito una legge sui partiti e sul controllo dei flussi di denaro che arrivano loro: una legge che non si farà. Si scopre ora (!) che la corruzione dilaga e si fa una legge-manifesto che, anche a dire di quelli che, all’inizio, l’hanno appoggiata, servirà poco o nulla. Ci si accorge ora (!) che gli organi elettivi sono pieni di gente impresentabile e si prepara una legge sulle candidature. Leggi, sempre leggi, destinate a non farsi o, se fatte, a essere svuotate. Ma nessuno obbliga a rubare, a corrompere e farsi corrompere, promuovere candidati senza qualità o con ben note “qualità”. I cattivi costumi si combattono con buoni costumi. Le leggi servono a colpire le devianze, ma nulla possono quando la devianza s’è fatta normalità. Prima di cambiare le leggi, occorre cambiare se stessi e, per cambiare se stessi, non occorre alcuna legge. Per chiedere rinnovata fiducia, occorrono ATTI DI CONTRIZIONE, segni concreti di discontinuità, non “segnali”, come si dice per dissimulare l’inganno.
Non è un segno, ma un segnale, per di più autolesionistico, la legge elettorale che è in gestazione. Mai più al voto con la legge attuale, s’era detto. Impedito il referendum da un’improvvida sentenza della Corte costituzionale, il problema della riforma è passato al Parlamento, cioè a chi ha da sperare vantaggi o temere svantaggi. Ci voleva poco a capire che, in prossimità delle elezioni, sondaggi alla mano, tutto sarebbe dipeso da calcoli interessati e poco o nulla da buone ragioni di giustizia elettorale. Non c’è bisogno di apprenderlo dal “Codice di buona condotta in materia elettorale” (§§ 65 e 66), che contiene il “minimo etico” segnalato agli Stati dal Consiglio d’Europa nel 2002. Lo comprendiamo da soli. Comprendiamo che la nuova legge elettorale, se ci sarà, dipenderà dagli interessi dei partiti, non degli elettori che vi troveranno ulteriori ragioni di distacco o di rabbia. La riforma, che avrebbe dovuto servire a riavvicinare eletti ed elettori, allargherà la distanza. Si persevera, invece, tentando di ritagliarsi comunque un posto o un posticino che conti qualcosa, in una barca che rischia di andare a fondo con quelli che ci sono dentro. Si pensa che non ce ne si accorga? e che ciò non porti altra acqua a chi vuol affondarla? Che insipienza!
Dove appoggiarsi per uscire dal pantano, per suscitare coraggio, energie, entusiasmo, in un momento di depressione politica come quello che viviamo? Dove trovare l’ideale d’una società giusta, che meriti che si mettano da parte gli egoismi e i privilegi particolari, che ci renda possibile intravedere una società in cui noi, i nostri figli e i figli dei nostri figli, si possa vivere in libertà e in giustizia? È sorprendente che non si pensi che questo ideale, questo punto d’appoggio c’è, ed è la COSTITUZIONE. Ed è sorprendente che si sia chiuso in una parentesi quel referendum del giugno 2006 in cui quasi sedici milioni di cittadini si sono espressi a sostegno dei suoi principi. Altrettanto sorprendente è che non si dia significato – forse perché non se ne ha nemmeno sentore – all’entusiasmo che accoglie, tra i giovani soprattutto, ogni discorso sulla Costituzione, sul suo significato storico e sul suo valore politico e civile. Non c’è qui una grande forza che attende d’essere interpellata per cambiare la società?
Non è paradossale che ci si volga indietro per guardare avanti. Le difficoltà in cui ci troviamo non derivano dalla Costituzione, ma dall’ignoranza, dal maltrattamento, dall’abuso, talora dalla violazione che di essa si sono fatti. Eppure lì si trova almeno la traccia della risposta ai nostri maggiori problemi. Il LAVORO come diritto a fondamento della vita sociale, e non la rendita finanziaria e speculativa; i DIRITTI CIVILI e non le ipoteche confessionali e ideologiche sulle scelte ultime della vita; l’UGUAGLIANZA di fronte alla legge e non i privilegi castali, anche per vincere contro tutte le mafie; l’impegno a promuovere politiche di EQUITA’ SOCIALE E FISCALE e non l’autorizzazione a gravare sui più deboli per risolvere i problemi dei più forti; la garanzia dei SERVIZI SOCIALI e non la volontà di ridurli o sopprimerli; la SALUTE come diritto e non come privilegio; l’ISTRUZIONE attraverso la scuola pubblica aperta a tutti e non i favoritismi alla scuola privata; la CULTURA, i BENI CULTURALI, la NATURA come patrimonio a disposizione di tutti, sottratti agli interessi politici e alla speculazione privata. Ancora: l’INFORMAZIONE come diritto dei cittadini a essere informati e dei giornalisti a informare; la POLITICA come autonomo discorso sui fini e non come affare separato di professionisti o tecnici esecutivi; la partecipazione all’EUROPA come via che porti alla pace e alla giustizia tra le nazioni, a più libertà e più democrazia, non più burocrazia e meno libertà. In generale, nella Costituzione troviamo la politica, il bene pubblico che più, oggi, scarseggia.
Come da trent’anni e più a questa parte, si ripete la stanca litania della prossima stagione come “stagione costituente”. Costituente di che cosa? Volete dire, di grazia, che cosa volete costituire? E credete con questa formula di ottenere consensi, tra cui i nostri consensi? Non viene in mente a nessuno che il nostro Paese avrebbe bisogno, piuttosto, di una “STAGIONE COSTITUZIONALE” e che chi facesse sua questa parola d’ordine compirebbe un atto che metterebbe in moto fatti, a loro volta produttivi d’idee, anzi d’ideali?

domenica 11 novembre 2012

... eh già ...

... a volte un'immagine, frutto di una ricerca sul web, condensa in poche parole un pensiero, una meditazione, un dato di fatto oggettivo ...
... da mesi mi sto letteralmente sbattendo per risolvere un problema che sento vivo, importante e che brucia dentro di me, ed il risultato? è splendidamente sintetizzato dal testo in alto ... dedicato a tutte quelle "brave signore" che a questo punto ritengo non mi meritino ...
... in realtà è necessario fermarsi, riprendere fiato e dedicarsi alla soluzione dei problemi seri, serissimi che pure esistono e mi premono da presso ... 

giovedì 8 novembre 2012

... from ...

Morning in America ...a note from Michael Moore
Wednesday, November 7th, 2012
Congratulations everyone!!
This country has truly changed, and I believe there will be no going back. Hate lost yesterday. That is amazing in and of itself. And all the women who were elected last night! A total rebuke of Neanderthal attitudes.
Now the real work begins. Millions of us – the majority – must come together to insist that President Obama and the Democrats stand up and fight for the things we sent them there to do. Mr. President, do not listen to the pundits who today call for you to "compromise." No. You already tried that. It didn't work. You can compromise later if you need to, but please, no more beginning by compromising. And if the Republican House doesn't want to play ball, do a massive end run around them with one executive order after another – just like they have done and will do if given the chance again.
We have to have Obama's back. As he is blocked and attacked by the Right, we need to be there with him. We are the majority. Let's act like it.
And please Mr. President, make the banks and Wall Street pay. You're the boss, not them. Lead the fight to get money out of politics – the spending on this election is shameful and dangerous. Don't wait til 2014 to bring the troops home – bring 'em home now. Stop the drone strikes on civilians. End the senseless war on drugs. Act like a pit bull when it comes to climate change – ignore the nuts, and fix this now. Take the profit motive out of things that any civilized country would say, "this is for the common good." Make higher education affordable for everyone and don't send 22-year-olds out into the world already in massive debt. Order a moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions. Enact economic policy that will create good-paying jobs and spend the money that's needed to do that. Make your second term one for the history books.
Finally, thanks must be given to the Occupy movement who, a year ago, set the tone of this election year by getting everyone to talk about the 1% vs. 99%. It inspired Obama and his campaign to realize that there was a huge popular sentiment against what the wealthy have done to the country and there was something wrong if just 400 rich guys owned more than 160 million Americans combined (all those moochers and bums). This led to Romney's "47%" remarks and THAT was the beginning of the end of his campaign. Thank you Mother Jones for releasing that secret tape, and thank you to the minimum wage worker who placed a camera on the serving buffet next to the candle. This morning's headline in the Washington Post says it all: "At Romney headquarters, the defeat of the 1 percent." Thank you Sandra Fluke for enduring the insults hurled at you and then becoming an important grassroots leader against the war on women. Thank you Todd Akin for...well, for just being you. Thank you CEOs of Chrysler and GM for coming out forcefully against the Republican(!) candidate, saying he lived in "some parallel universe" when he lied about Jeep. Thank you Governor Christie for your new bromance with Obama. You know, you really didn't have to!
And you, Mother Nature, with all your horrific damage, death and destruction you caused last week, you became, ironically, the undoing of a Party that didn't believe in you or your climate changing powers.
Perhaps they'll believe now.
Once again, thanks to all of you who brought a nonvoter to the polls. In a last minute effort to get Obama an extra million votes he wasn't counting on, I enjoyed talking and texting with your loved ones and friends yesterday who weren't going to vote – but then changed their minds after a little nudge and some TLC ("Damn! Michael Moore? I'm getting in to car right now to go vote.").
To my fellow Americans, I think you'll agree: it was nice to wake up this morning in the United States of America.
Michael Moore
P.S. If you missed them, you might enjoy reading my tweets from last night and reliving this historic victory 140 characters at time.

mercoledì 7 novembre 2012

... four more years for Obama ...


Usa, Obama si conferma presidente:
“Per noi il meglio deve ancora venire”
Romney lo chiama: “Lavoriamo uniti”

Barack Obama si è confermato presidente: immediata è esplosa la gioia a Chicago,alla sede dei democratici
Il presidente si aggiudica almeno 285 grandi elettori ma nel voto
popolare sostanziale parità al 49%
Barack Obama ce l’ha fatta,. Non sarà un presidente da un solo mandato, l’incubo che lo perseguitato in questi mesi di durissima campagna elettorale. Sarà lui a guidare l’America per i prossimi quattro anni. «Four More Years»: è stato ancora una volta uno slogan vincente a trascinarlo alla vittoria, come il «Yes We Can» del 2008. «Finirò quello che ho iniziato. Il meglio deve ancora venire», esulta rivolgendosi ai sostenitori in delirio: da Chicago, dove si trova il suo quartier generale, a New York, dove Time Square è gremita di gente in festa. Fino a Washington, dove la folla esulta davanti alla Casa Bianca. Proprio come quattro anni fa.

Eppure all’Election Day si era arrivati con un serratissimo testa a testa tra lui e Mitt Romney - quello sancito da tutti i principali sondaggi - che lasciava presagire una nottata elettorale difficilissima. Qualcuno agitava lo spettro del riconteggio dei voti in alcuni Stati in bilico - come in Florida nel 2000 - altri addirittura ipotizzavano uno storico pareggio.

Invece per Obama è filata via più liscia del previsto. E alla fine non è servito nemmeno aspettare il risultato del «Sunshine State»,la Florida, e nemmeno quello della cruciale Virginia. A rivelarsi decisivo - come ci si attendeva alla vigilia - è stato l’Ohio. Vinto questo Stato è bastato aspettare i risultati degli Stati della West Coast (dalla California a quello di Washington), e la soglia dei 270 elettori necessaria per l’agognata è stata superata.

Romney, che ha conquistato gli Stati del sud e ha confermato il testa a testa nel voto popolare, ha regalato un po’ di suspense. Non ha concesso immediatamente la vittoria. Dopo l’annuncio di tutti i media, l’ex governatore del Massachusetts ha aspettato un’ora prima di far sapere che aveva chiamato Obama per congratularsi. «Auguro al presidente, alla First Lady e alle loro figlie ogni bene. Questi sono tempi molto difficili per la nostra grande Nazione», ha detto rivolto ai supporter riuniti nel quartier generale di Boston su cui già da parecchio era calato un silenzio di tomba. Niente a che vedere con la folle esultanza del MacCormick Center di Chicago, dove gli obamiani hanno rivissuto le emozioni del 2008.

Ed è un Obama versione 2008 quella che sale sul palco: di nuovo la stessa grinta, la stessa ispirazione, nonostante l’enorme fatica delle ultime settimane. «Torno alla Casa Bianca più determinato che mai», promette nel tripudio generale, assicurando come «l’America migliore deve ancora venire». Come molto probabilmente deve ancora venire l’Obama migliore, quello che in questo secondo mandato potrà agire senza più essere condizionato dalla prospettiva di una rielezione, di una nuova campagna elettorale all’orizzonte. Un Obama che potrà dare a questo punto il massimo di sé stesso e che dovrà dimostrare non non fare promesse solo a parole, come insistentemente lo hanno accusato Mitt e i repubblicani .

Il presidente sa che non sarà facile far fronte alle promesse ancora rimaste evase. Gli americani gli hanno riconsegnato un Congresso spaccato, con la Camera ai repubblicani e il Senato ai democratici. Ma tende la mano e promette di lavorare per trovare «quei compromessi necessari per portare il Paese avanti». «Lavorerò con Romney - assicura - lavorerò con i leader di entrambe gli schieramenti per affrontare quelle sfide che possiamo risolvere solo insieme». A partire da quella del crescente debito pubblico e da quella della crescita e dell’occupazione: «L’economia si sta riprendendo», ha detto, sottolineando come manchi comunque ancora molto lavoro da fare. Lavoro che - è il suo appello - potrà essere compiuto se tutti si impegneranno a lavorare nella stessa direzione, quella dell’interesse generale del Paese, mettendo da parte il cinismo e le partigianerie.
Intanto l’America, il giorno dopo l’Election Day, fa passi avanti anche su alcune spinose questioni sociali. E grazie ai referendum svoltisi in concomitanza del voto si legalizzano le nozze gay nello Stato del Maine e l’uso della marijuana, anche per fini ricreativi, in Colorado e nello Stato di Washington. (Ansa)

... from ...


Tuesday, November 6th, 2012


There are only a few hours left until the polls close. Every minute is precious at this point. I know many/most of you have convinced your one non-voter to vote today. But I/we need a million of these, and I want no non-voter left behind.

Is there someone you know/love who is still on the fence and has not voted yet today? Would a personal call or text from me help? Send me their cell number and I will spend the next four hours calling or texting them to ask/plead that they go to the polls right now.

You can text me their number at 810-522-8398. Obviously I won't be able to get to them all, but I will do as many as I can.

Time is running out. I'm already on the phone...

Michael Moore

martedì 6 novembre 2012

... from ...

Tomorrow ...a letter from Michael Moore
Monday, November 5th, 2012
Tomorrow, the bankers and corporate chiefs are planning an historic victory party. With the election of Mitt Romney, their takeover of American democracy would be complete.
They thought they had accomplished that four years ago when they backed Barack Obama (he received more money from Wall Street than McCain; Goldman Sachs was his #1 private contributor). And even though he never put a single one of them of any consequence in jail and never signed any bill that would truly stop their out-of-control greed; and even though he placed two of Wall Street's favorite operatives – Timothy Geithner and Lawrence Summers – in charge of the Treasury and economic policy; and even though he let them use bailout money – our money – to give themselves lavish bonuses after they wrecked our economy; and even though he didn't go for a single-payer health care system and made sure that under "Obamacare" no insurance company would be fined more than $100 a day for denying a person with a pre-existing condition (thus removing many of the teeth the new law had); and even though he let them keep their Bush tax cut for another four years – yes, even after doing all of that for the wealthiest 1%, it still wasn't enough for them, so they decided to turn on him in a vicious way. They decided that they could literally buy an election and toss him to the curb. Why? Because he enacted a little "reform." Because he wants them to pay just a tiny bit more in taxes. Because, deep down, they know what we know deep down – that Barack Obama, if given a second term, is going to put the brakes on them. They know that Barack Obama will appoint Supreme Court justices who will overturn Citizens United. And they know that next time they crash our economy, some of them will, hopefully, be going to jail.
And they believe they can stop him tomorrow by having bamboozled enough of those "47%", those moochers, to vote for one of their own – Mitt Romney. A man who, like them, believes big business should have no restraints. A man who pays next to nothing in taxes. A man who has destroyed the livings of thousands of working Americans. A man who hides his money in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands and won't show us what's on his tax returns for the past decade.
This is who they want elected president tomorrow – and if this happens, their goal of complete corporate control of the three branches of government will be complete.
Trust me, if they succeed, we may never get it back.
There were two things in the news these past couple weeks that unfortunately got little attention. But these two stories say it all about the America we will have unless these people are stopped.
One was a story in The Nation that exposed how Romney, while publicly opposing the auto company bailout, secretly got in on the action with his Wall Street donors – and made over $15 million, a 4,000% return on his investment (which he hid in a blind trust in his wife's name) by buying up the Delphi auto parts company, the former Delco/AC Spark Plug division of GM where my dad worked. He then – get this – grabbed billions in bailout cash to "transform" it from bankrupt to a "viable business." Except what he really did was slash retiree pensions, shut down 24 U.S. factories, and ship all 25,200 union jobs to China. You'd think he'd keep quiet about Delphi – but no, he's got his supporters running ads in Ohio blaming Barack Obama for terminating the Delphi pensions – I kid you not. (When I opposed the Iraq War, Romneyites and the like called me a "traitor"; when Romney does this traitorous act destroying jobs and sending them to China, his reward, in addition to the millions he pocketed, may be the presidency tomorrow.)
The other story was a bill passed by the Pennsylvania legislature that would allow businesses to take the state income taxes they withhold from their employees' paychecks and KEEP THE MONEY FOR THEMSELVES! That's right. Your taxes that you pay to the state won't go to the state anymore – they'll just go right into the pockets of your bosses. I was stunned to find out that other states are already doing this as an "incentive" to lure or keep businesses in their states. Let's be clear what this is about: the final merging that's taking place between the corporate and political power structures, coming together as one, and making the workers (serfs) pay tribute to their employer (the overlord). Welcome to the New Feudalism.
So tomorrow it's High Noon in the USA, a literal showdown on the Main Streets of America between the rich and everyone else. The 1% truly believe they can defeat the 99%. As the conservative commentator Stephen Moore (who sits on the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal) said, "Capitalism is a lot more important than democracy. I'm not even a big believer in democracy." Citibank, in an internal memo, said that the only thing that stands in the way of the plutocrats is, well, elections: "[T]he rising wealth gap between the rich and poor will probably at some point lead to a political backlash...Whilst the rich are getting a greater share of the wealth, and the poor a lesser share, political enfrachisement remains as was – one person, one vote…[W]e are keeping a close eye on developments."
We have the chance tomorrow to defeat them. They're counting on us not even showing up. The line in the sand has been drawn. Please do whatever you can today and tomorrow to get everyone you know to the polls – especially any relatives or friends in swing states. Even if you don't live in a swing state, you need to make a loud statement that you won't let this happen. And you need to take the House away from the Republicans so some work in Washington can get done.
To volunteer to walk precincts and get out the vote near where you live, go here. Or make calls to swing state voters. And don't forget that I need each of you to convince just one non-voter to vote tomorrow so that we can deliver the million-vote margin that could make all the difference.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. Now go act as if your democracy depended on it – because it does.
Michael Moore
PS. I'll be on The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell tonight on MSNBC at 10:00 PM ET/7:00 PM PT. (Replay at 1:00 AM ET/10:00 PM PT.) Please tune in!
P.P.S. Here's a little election humor to put you in the mood for an Obama victory.

lunedì 5 novembre 2012

... from ...

Letter to a Non-Voter ...from Michael Moore
Sunday, November 4th, 2012
To my friend who is not voting on Tuesday:

I get it – and I don't blame you. You're fed up and you could care less whether Tweedledee or Tweedledumber wins on Tuesday – because on Wednesday, your life will be the same, unchanged, regardless who is president. Your mortgage will still be underwater. You will still owe $50,000 on your student loan. Your son will still be in Afghanistan. Your daughter will still be working two jobs to make ends meet. And gas will still be at $4.

Four years ago you gave in and voted – and you voted for Obama. You wanted to believe he would go after the Wall Street crooks who crashed the economy – but instead the banks that were "too big to fail" four years ago are now even bigger and more dangerous. You thought there'd be universal health care – but the new law only went so far (with most of it not taking effect until 2014). You were tired of war and homeland security measures that violated our civil liberties – but we're still in Afghanistan, we're sending in drones to Pakistan and basic constitutional rights to privacy and a fair trial have been ignored. And you thought you'd have a middle-class, good-paying job like your dad had – but you didn't know that Goldman Sachs was Obama's #1 private campaign donor in 2008, and well, he was beholden to corporate America in more ways we cared to think about. 

So, I get it why you've had it with all these politicians and elections. In the end, it doesn't really seem to be our country any more. It's run by those who can buy the most politicians to do their bidding. Our schools are made a low priority and women are still having to fight for just the basic human rights we thought they already had.

So, it's hard for me to ask you for this very personal favor. It's OK if you say "no," but I'm hoping you don't.

I cannot believe it is possible that, after a group of rich plutocrats wrecked the economy, threw people out of work and stole our future, we may actually hand the keys to our country over to...a rich Republican plutocrat who made millions by throwing people out of work! This is insane, and despite all the legitimate criticisms of Obama, he is nothing like the tsunami of hate and corporate thievery that will take place if Mitt Romney is president. As bad as it feels now, it will only get worse. I need your help to stop this.

I can't promise you that your life will get better, easier under Barack Obama. I do think he cares and I know for sure that if the other guy is sitting in the Oval Office, I can guarantee you that not only will your life not get better, it will get much, much worse. Don't take my word for it. Just ask your parents what life was like before a 30-year pillage by the Republicans of the middle class. Your parents bought a house and eventually owned it outright. They weren't in debt. College was free. They bought a new car every 3 or 4 years. They took vacations and were home for dinner by 5 or 6 PM. They had a savings account in the bank. They didn't live in fear of not knowing if they'd even have a job next year. 

That's all gone. I don't know if we can get it back, but I do know that Mr. Romney would love the chance to complete the final elimination of the middle class and the American Dream. 

He must be stopped. Take 20 minutes on Tuesday and go vote. If you don't want to do it for your country, then do it for me! It's the only favor I'll ever ask of you.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know that you care, and care deeply, about your future and your kids' future. You have every right to be cynical about all this. And you hold the power to stop the bastards who plan on squeezing every last dime out of you that they can. Take a stand. And make a statement to those who are hoping against hope that you'll stay home on Tuesday. Your presence at the polls is what they fear most.

Go scare the s**t out of them! For me.

Michael Moore

domenica 4 novembre 2012

... una domenica si e no ...

... una domenica passata da mia madre, le solite chiacchiere ed il pensiero che ritorna sempre alla mia cara amica Giovanna, la tristezza che riaffiora riandando ai nostri colloqui, ai nostri pranzetti, poi il ritorno, con la voglia di fare una telefonata, di sentire una persona e stare bene qualche minuto con lei ... e questa volta senza progetti, senza castelli in aria, così semplicemente ... l'inizio forse di un periodo nuovo ...

sabato 3 novembre 2012

... Ciao GIO' ...

... ho cercato invano una canzone da dedicarti, ma nulla mi sembrava degno di te ... e così hai lasciato da solo un tuo amico, eh ... va ora, corri ad abbracciare il tuo Ferruccio e fai una carezza a Penny da parte mia ... io non so quando potrò raggiungervi, ma ci rivedremo ...

venerdì 2 novembre 2012

... from ...

90 Million Are Planning Not to Vote – Your Mission: Take Just One of Them to the Polls

Wednesday, October 31st, 2012


I have a personal favor I'd like to ask each of you. We all know the election next Tuesday is going to be very close. But I've got an idea that could help put President Obama over the top.

I want you – yes, YOU, the person reading this right now – to get ONE of your fellow Americans who would not otherwise vote to show up at the polls and support Obama.

Here's the math: there are upwards of five million of you seeing this, via email, on my website, on the Huffington Post and all over the internet. There are 1.2 million following me on Twitter. I've got almost 700,000 Facebook friends.

I want just one million of you to convince just ONE person each – one person who's planning NOT to vote – to go to the polls and vote for Barack Obama. That's it. And those million extra votes could make all the difference in what will be a very tight election – and it will save us from a tragic return to the Bush years.

Do you realize that there are 90 million people who are planning to NOT vote next Tuesday? That's according to a poll conducted by USA Today. 90,000,000!! It's a shocking number, isn't it? In the old days we'd just label these people as apathetic or stupid. Not anymore. They don't need our admonition – they need our empathy.

The non-voter today knows exactly what's going on, and he or she wants no part of it. They are discouraged, disillusioned, and have almost lost hope that things will change. Many are jobless or working for peanuts. They're angry, and we should tell them they have every right to be.

But here's something else about them: despite everything, they haven't utterly given up on politics. When USA Today asked the non-voters who they'd choose if they HAD to vote for someone in this election, 18% said they would vote for Romney – and 43% said they'd vote for Obama! That means there are nearly 40 million people who prefer Obama – AND THEY ARE NOT GOING TO VOTE.

The other question they were asked was, what would it take to get you to vote? 85% of the pro-Obama non-voters said they would go vote IF they thought the election was going to be really close and that their vote would actually make the difference.

This is, for all its frustrating logic, incredibly good news. So our job for the next six days is clear: We – you and me – have to bring a little over 1% of the 90 million non-voters to the polls. If we do we'll send Romney packing back to New Hampshire/Massachusetts/California or wherever he's going to build car elevators next.

The time to convince undecideds to vote for Obama is over. All it's about now is whose supporters simply show up. The side that does the best job of literally dragging people out of their homes between 6:00 AM and 8:00 PM on Tuesday, November 6th is the side that wins.

Each of us knows Obama-supporting non-voters. They're your cousin, your coworker, your friend from the choir at church. Identify just one of them (best of all if they're in a swing state) and pledge to get them to the polls. You can try to convince them with all the good arguments as to why they should vote for the O (click here), but I think the best way to do this is to ask them personally, just this once, to do this for you. Not for the country. For you.

Then, once they've committed to vote, make a commitment to them: that you are not going to be silent after Tuesday, that you are going to keep fighting like hell (including, when need be, fighting Obama) every single day after the election for them, for you and for all of us.

So, that is your mission – YOURS, the person reading this right this second. Bring just one non-voter to the polls. Easy! Do it and be known as part of the group that defeated Mitt "Bush #3" Romney and gave Barack Obama another term – and another chance to do what we sent him there to do.

Michael Moore

P.S. I'll be on Piers Morgan Tonight this evening on CNN for the full hour at 9:00 pm ET (6:00 PM PT) and repeated at Midnight ET (9:00 PM PT) and 3:00 AM ET (Midnight PT). Please tune in!

giovedì 1 novembre 2012

...mehr licht! ... (2° parte, ed ultima, per ora)

...mi ero ormai scordato del " mio astrologo", quando stamane squilla il telefono ed all'altro capo sento la inconfondibile voce di Atron Ratuce, nasale, strascicata, non particolarmente bella ... non ho una gran voglia di raggiungerlo, oggi è festa, ma la curiosità mi costringe a vestirmi in fretta, prendere l'auto e rifare il percorso di un mese fa ... questa volta il tragitto si snoda senza interruzioni, buon segno, penso e mi affretto verso la mia destinazione ... giunto nei pressi riconosco l'abitazione, suono e mi presento ... mi accoglie con il suo solito sorriso ironico e mi fa accomodare nel solito studiolo ... mi chiede se ci sono state novità nel frattempo, ed io snocciolo le mie ultime tristi vicissitudini, chiudendo l'orrendo elenco con un " mi sento un fallito su tutta la linea" ... il suo arco sopracciliare si inarca paurosamente e puntando un dito indice su di me, sentenzia: "ecco, proprio di questo volevo parlarle: è ora per lei di dare una svolta alla sua vita, valorizzare le molte qualità che possiede e non perdere tempo nel piangersi addosso; solo così potrà recuperare la fiducia in se stesso e raggiungere gli obiettivi che si è ripromesso" l'arcata sopracciliare ritorna per fortuna normale ed un lieve sorriso riesce finalmente ad illuminare il suo volto ... aggiunge che ci terremo comunque in contatto e potrò chiamarlo se ci saranno novità apprezzabili ... intuisco che il nostro colloquio è giunto al termine e mi congedo ... l'ultimo sguardo, con una punta di commiserazione, lo ricevo dai due gatti, chico e chica, che, nel frattempo, hanno abbandonato le loro comode poltrone ...