lunedì 31 dicembre 2012

... l'ultimo post ... dell'anno!

... e così anche quest'anno è giunto al termine ... se di bilancio si vuol parlare, questo risulta positivo solo per l'ultima parte ... e con qualche ombra da dissipare al più presto ... non resta che procedere con cautela, con la speranza che il 2013 regali qualche certezza in più ...

sabato 29 dicembre 2012

... preoccupato ...

... sono preoccupato, l'assenza della signora Lina per malattia comporta da parte mia e di mio fratello un aggravio di impegno nei confronti di mia madre ... bisognerà organizzare meglio il proprio tempo per far fronte a questa nuova situazione, senza perdere di vista le proprie esigenze ed il proseguo della mia storia con D. ...

mercoledì 26 dicembre 2012

... un mese fà ...

... un mese fà incontravo per la prima volta la mia lei ... emozione e gioia la fanno da padrone dentro di me, con la speranza di poter festeggiare tante altre ricorrenze ...

lunedì 24 dicembre 2012

... citazione ...

... non so su quale rivista ho letto una frase che mi è rimasta impressa e voglio qui citare perchè si addice perfettamente al momento che sto attraversando:

           " Ogni rapporto richiede impegno e dedizione ed un abbraccio ogni tanto"

... ricorrenze ...

testo di apertura

...Ed eccomi qui, anch'io vittima della moda imperante del momento: crearsi un blog, un diario personale, che però non rimane chiuso in un cassetto della scrivania, ma viene letto, giudicato, "postato" da gente perfettamente sconosciuta, attraverso la magica finestra del web.
Diciamo che mi sono fatto un regalo di Natale un po' speciale, con il segreto desiderio di trovare corrispondenti, collezionare link, aprire insomma altre finestre su questo mondo sempre più virtuale.

... un po'... anzi una popo' di politica ...

... sospendo per un attimo di occuparmi delle mie vicende personali per rivolgere lo sguardo a cose più importanti ... importanti?! noooo! meglio tornare ai miei fatti privati ... lo schifo che si intravede è insopportabile ...

a letter from Michael Moore

Celebrating the Prince of Peace in the Land of Guns ...a letter from Michael Moore
Monday, December 24th, 2012
After watching the deranged, delusional National Rifle Association press conference on Friday, it was clear that the Mayan prophecy had come true. Except the only world that was ending was the NRA's. Their bullying power to set gun policy in this country is over. The nation is repulsed by the massacre in Connecticut, and the signs are everywhere: a basketball coach at a post-game press conference; the Republican Joe Scarborough; a pawn shop owner in Florida; a gun buy-back program in New Jersey; a singing contest show on TV, and the conservative gun-owning judge who sentenced Jared Loughner.
So here's my little bit of holiday cheer for you:
These gun massacres aren't going to end any time soon.
I'm sorry to say this. But deep down we both know it's true. That doesn't mean we shouldn't keep pushing forward – after all, the momentum is on our side. I know all of us – including me – would love to see the president and Congress enact stronger gun laws. We need a ban on automatic AND semiautomatic weapons and magazine clips that hold more than 7 bullets. We need better background checks and more mental health services. We need to regulate the ammo, too.
But, friends, I would like to propose that while all of the above will certainly reduce gun deaths (ask Mayor Bloomberg – it is virtually impossible to buy a handgun in New York City and the result is the number of murders per year has gone from 2,200 to under 400), it won't really bring about an end to these mass slayings and it will not address the core problem we have. Connecticut had one of the strongest gun laws in the country. That did nothing to prevent the murders of 20 small children on December 14th.
In fact, let's be clear about Newtown: the killer had no criminal record so he would never have shown up on a background check. All of the guns he used were legally purchased. None fit the legal description of an "assault" weapon. The killer seemed to have mental problems and his mother had him seek help, but that was worthless. As for security measures, the Sandy Hook school was locked down and buttoned up BEFORE the killer showed up that morning. Drills had been held for just such an incident. A lot of good that did.
And here's the dirty little fact none of us liberals want to discuss: The killer only ceased his slaughter when he saw that cops were swarming onto the school grounds – i.e, the men with the guns. When he saw the guns a-coming, he stopped the bloodshed and killed himself. Guns on police officers prevented another 20 or 40 or 100 deaths from happening. Guns sometimes work. (Then again, there was an armed deputy sheriff at Columbine High School the day of that massacre and he couldn't/didn't stop it.)
I am sorry to offer this reality check on our much-needed march toward a bunch of well-intended, necessary – but ultimately, mostly cosmetic – changes to our gun laws. The sad facts are these: Other countries that have guns (like Canada, which has 7 million guns – mostly hunting guns – in their 12 million households) have a low murder rate. Kids in Japan watch the same violent movies and kids in Australia play the same violent video games (Grand Theft Auto was created by a British company; the UK had 58 gun murders last year in a nation of 63 million people). They simply don't kill each other at the rate that we do. Why is that? THAT is the question we should be exploring while we are banning and restricting guns: Who are we?
I'd like to try to answer that question.
We are a country whose leaders officially sanction and carry out acts of violence as a means to often an immoral end. We invade countries who didn't attack us. We're currently using drones in a half-dozen countries, often killing civilians.
This probably shouldn't come as a surprise to us as we are a nation founded on genocide and built on the backs of slaves. We slaughtered 600,000 of each other in a civil war. We "tamed the Wild West with a six-shooter," and we rape and beat and kill our women without mercy and at a staggering rate: every three hours a women is murdered in the USA (half the time by an ex or a current); every three minutes a woman is raped in the USA; and every 15 seconds a woman is beaten in the USA.
We belong to an illustrious group of nations that still have the death penalty (North Korea, Saudi Arabia, China, Iran). We think nothing of letting tens of thousands of our own citizens die each year because they are uninsured and thus don't see a doctor until it's too late.
Why do we do this? One theory is simply "because we can." There is a level of arrogance in the otherwise friendly American spirit, conning ourselves into believing there's something exceptional about us that separates us from all those "other" countries (there are indeed many good things about us; the same could also be said of Belgium, New Zealand, France, Germany, etc.). We think we're #1 in everything when the truth is our students are 17th in science and 25th in math, and we're 35th in life expectancy. We believe we have the greatest democracy but we have the lowest voting turnout of any western democracy. We're biggest and the bestest at everything and we demand and take what we want.
And sometimes we have to be violent m*****f*****s to get it. But if one of us goes off-message and shows the utterly psychotic nature and brutal results of violence in a Newtown or an Aurora or a Virginia Tech, then we get all "sad" and "our hearts go out to the families" and presidents promise to take "meaningful action." Well, maybe this president means it this time. He'd better. An angry mob of millions is not going to let this drop.
While we are discussing and demanding what to do, may I respectfully ask that we stop and take a look at what I believe are the three extenuating factors that may answer the question of why we Americans have more violence than most anyone else:
1. POVERTY. If there's one thing that separates us from the rest of the developed world, it's this. 50 million of our people live in poverty. One in five Americans goes hungry at some point during the year. The majority of those who aren't poor are living from paycheck to paycheck. There's no doubt this creates more crime. Middle class jobs prevent crime and violence. (If you don't believe that, ask yourself this: If your neighbor has a job and is making $50,000/year, what are the chances he's going to break into your home, shoot you and take your TV? Nil.)
2. FEAR/RACISM. We're an awfully fearful country considering that, unlike most nations, we've never been invaded. (No, 1812 wasn't an invasion. We started it.) Why on earth would we need 300 million guns in our homes? I get why the Russians might be a little spooked (over 20 million of them died in World War II). But what's our excuse? Worried that the Indians from the casino may go on the warpath? Concerned that the Canadians seem to be amassing too many Tim Horton's donut shops on both sides of the border?
No. It's because too many white people are afraid of black people. Period. The vast majority of the guns in the U.S. are sold to white people who live in the suburbs or the country. When we fantasize about being mugged or home invaded, what's the image of the perpetrator in our heads? Is it the freckled-face kid from down the street – or is it someone who is, if not black, at least poor?
I think it would be worth it to a) do our best to eradicate poverty and re-create the middle class we used to have, and b) stop promoting the image of the black man as the boogeyman out to hurt you. Calm down, white people, and put away your guns.
3. THE "ME" SOCIETY. I think it's the every-man-for-himself ethos of this country that has put us in this mess and I believe it's been our undoing. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! You're not my problem! This is mine!
Clearly, we are no longer our brother's and sister's keeper. You get sick and can't afford the operation? Not my problem. The bank has foreclosed on your home? Not my problem. Can't afford to go to college? Not my problem.
And yet, it all sooner or later becomes our problem, doesn't it? Take away too many safety nets and everyone starts to feel the impact. Do you want to live in that kind of society, one where you will then have a legitimate reason to be in fear? I don't.
I'm not saying it's perfect anywhere else, but I have noticed, in my travels, that other civilized countries see a national benefit to taking care of each other. Free medical care, free or low-cost college, mental health help. And I wonder – why can't we do that? I think it's because in many other countries people see each other not as separate and alone but rather together, on the path of life, with each person existing as an integral part of the whole. And you help them when they're in need, not punish them because they've had some misfortune or bad break. I have to believe one of the reasons gun murders in other countries are so rare is because there's less of the lone wolf mentality amongst their citizens. Most are raised with a sense of connection, if not outright solidarity. And that makes it harder to kill one another.
Well, there's some food for thought as we head home for the holidays. Don't forget to say hi to your conservative brother-in-law for me. Even he will tell you that, if you can't nail a deer in three shots – and claim you need a clip of 30 rounds – you're not a hunter my friend, and you have no business owning a gun.
Have a wonderful Christmas or a beautiful December 25th!
Michael Moore

venerdì 21 dicembre 2012

... fine del mondo ... rimandata! ...

... e così abbiamo ancora un po' di tempo davanti a noi, io e la mia tigrotta ... sperando di passare di vittoria in vittoria, verso un futuro che ci ripaghi di tutte le sofferenze subite ...

mercoledì 19 dicembre 2012

... e domani ...

... e domani, grazie a Dio, un altro incontro ed un' altra battaglia da vincere ... 

martedì 18 dicembre 2012

... giorno di riposo ...

... oggi giorno di riposo e di riflessione, dopo il solito messaggio mattutino alla mia bella, questa volta in stile retrò ... il mio dovere è di sorprenderla, sempre! ...

A Note From Michael Moore

A Note From Michael Moore

Sunday, December 16th, 2012


I am truly beside myself this time. I tried to ring a warning bell about this a decade ago. The disease has only gotten worse. feel something different in the air across America tonight, don't you? People have had it and the outrage is loud and visible. I'm convinced the majority of Americans will now back strong gun control laws. And a better mental health care system. And perhaps a few are willing to look at the deeper issue of how this country officially sanctions violence as a means to an end.

The NRA, for the first time ever, has gone silent. They've taken their Facebook page down. They know they can't show up in Newtown next week and stick it to the people there, like they usually do after one of these mass killings. Let's face it, the gun lobby tonight is on the ropes. Now is the time to act. We can't let this sad moment pass without a true response and a president willing to be a strong leader.

I'll send some more thoughts tomorrow, but for now I thought I'd share with you what I've been sending out over Twitter this weekend. (If you're not on Twitter, please consider it. I know – not one more social media stop, please! But I've found it to be a quick and easy way to communicate with millions. Please give it a try. I send things out on it every day and I'd like you not to miss them.)

Here's my Twitter feed since the shootings on Friday:

CBS News reporting 27 dead at CT elementary school, many/mostly children.

Hoping, praying this isn't true. #schoolshooting

Only minutes away from pundits & politicians saying, "This isn't the time to talk about gun control." Really? When is that moment?

The way to honor these dead children is to demand strict gun control, free mental health care, and an end to violence as public policy.

Too soon to speak out about a gun-crazy nation? No, too late. At least THIRTY-ONE school shootings since Columbine.

19 years ago today was the FIRST Aurora gun massacre. Here's an essay from one who lived:

Just 18 hrs ago, those Republicans in the Michigan House rammed thru a bill making it LEGAL to carry a gun into a school or day care center.

RT ‏@Marmel Hey, @BarackObama - you know all those nuts that fear you're going to take their guns? You can take their guns now.

RT @mat: The gun lobby already hates Obama. I wish he'd give them an actual reason.

The NRA hates freedom. They don't want you to have the freedom to send your children to school & expect them to come home alive

A Facebook post from Mark Kelly:

This morning a crazy man attacked 22 children at an elementary school- in China. But all the crazy man had was a knife. Number of dead? Zero

In addition to his two handguns, the killer in CT this morning used an assault rifle called The Bushmaster.

RT ‏@ScribeHard @Burnman @AwardsDaily I never read a headline that said "Dozens of Children Dead in Hand-to-Hand Combat." Guns. Facilitate. Mass. Killings.

RT @peterbayley @MMFlint I didn't know you guys named your guns after presidents. How cute

Also located in Newtown, CT: the nat'l HQ of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the lobbying & trade org of all the gun manufacturers

In 1996, Australia banned semi-automatics. In the 18 years before, there were 13 mass shootings. Since then, none.

RT @JDillon777 @MMFlint Sad to see that 'Bowling for Columbine' has gone ignored. Perhaps you should have directed Batman, and maybe they'd listen.

Hey NRA - why so quiet? Do you hear the rumble? The will of the people today? Coming your way. Think fast - the majority have had it.

From The Onion:

On this day in 1791 the Founding Fathers created the 2nd Amendment. It took a good 15 seconds to load 1 bullet (musket ball) then

Nation celebrates 2nd Amend. Day in past 24 hrs: Vegas: 'Bama: OK:

From The Onion 2: "'Right To Live Life In Complete, Stunned Horror' Added To Constitution":

RT ‏@RobbieGorlick After yesterday... canceling my #NRA membership. Can't support a group that costs the lives of innocents. @MMFlint @NRA

RT ‏@TimDempster @MMFlint It must be so infuriating knowing you warned against exactly this. Never fear, millions agree with you... Sadly mostly overseas!

Medical Examiner: Most of the dead were killed w/ the Bushmaster assault rifle. Fires 30 rounds a pop. Most kids shot "more than once."

Medical Examiner: If the dead children suffered "it was not for long."

As is often the case in these shootings, the gunman seemed to single out the women to kill (CNN: 18 of the dead are female; 8 males.)

Ooooh. Some men didn't like that last tweet. So let me give u another:When's the last time u saw a woman walk in & spray a place w/ bullets?

Pakistani children hold candlelight vigil for CT schoolkids: Ouch.

"@jfb97n: let the victims b mourned stop pushing ur agenda." I'm done with "mourning." Time for action. To do less dishonors their deaths.

Jimmy Greene moved his family fr Canada 2 Newtown in July. Daughter Ana was killed Fri; son Isaiah lived. Here they are

Saturday Night Live opens w/ children singing Silent Night in honor of slain first-graders of Newtown, CT:
Or try this one: Very moving.

RT ‏@KathShx @MMFlint UK family moved to Newtown feeling "happy & comfortable" in the town - younger son died in the shooting.

NY Times: In past 6 months, more Americans killed by guns than COMBINED total of dead Yanks in Iraq, Afghan & all terrorist acts of past 25 years.

If only the first victim, Adam Lanza's mother, had been a gun owner, she could have stopped this before it started.

RT ‏@marlasuehale @MMFlint obviously that argument the NRA folks have been using doesn't work after all.

RT @kazic284 @MMFlint Thanks for pointing out how dumb that logic is. People have been screaming, "If only the principal had a gun!" Missing the point.

RT @mikelondoncan @MMFlint Number of homicides in Detroit, MI, 2010 - 310. Number in Windsor, ON, Canada, one mile away - 0. Same movies, video games.

Some are asking me why I'm not on TV discussing this. Because I've turned down all requests. Here's why:

Time for action. The debate & discussion are over. Just as no one should debate whether "rape is legitimate," this gun debate is effing over

I said what I had to say about guns 10 yrs ago. Nothing's changed. You can watch this pirated version for free:
"RT @erikb1205:It's on Netflix bud" True. U can stream it for free there too. Don't want studio or me 2 make any $ on this. Pls watch 4 free

RT @CarlBrandt: @MMFlint Millions of guns in Switzerland, 24 gun homicides in 2009...

Yes, it helps if you have strong gun control laws like in Japan:

But Connecticut has one of the strongest gun laws in the U.S. So, 'splain that...

I guess it helps if the State of CT doesn't shut down the mental hospital - like they did in Newtown, CT in 1995:

But the killer's dad is a vice-pres of GE Financial Services (he's in charge of taxes). So he had the money for excellent mental health help

Yes we need gun laws & better mental health care. BUT even that won't stop the killings. Because, let's face it, America believes in killing

A country that officially sanctions horrific violence (invade Iraq, drones kill kids, death penalty) is surprised when a 20-yr old joins in?

I hate to say it, but killing is our way. We began America w/ genocide,then built it w/ slaves. The shootings will continue- it's who we are

The long term solution to reducing gun deaths is to change our society from one of perpetual war and fear to one of peace and tolerance.

The short term solution? A law immediately banning semi-automatic weapons & mega-clips. Must have license to own gun. Must pass mental exam.

Also, end the U.S.-sanctioned policy of killing: End the wars NOW, end death penalty. Stop banks and insurance companies from destroying ppl

It's all violence & it's all connected. Why does this happen only in America? The answer is right in front of u. And it's not just the guns.
Michael Moore

lunedì 17 dicembre 2012

... grazie Degas! ...

... grazie Degas! una mostra a te dedicata al Parco del Valentino è stata lo spunto per un altro felice incontro con la mia lei ...

domenica 16 dicembre 2012

... s t o r m r i s e ...

... ci sono giorni, come oggi, di tempesta interiore, tempesta che sorge nell'anima e lascia spossati, divisi tra la gioia immensa di questa storia appena iniziata, e la paura di perdere tutto in poco tempo, sapendo fin troppo bene qual'è la propria situazione ... poi il suono della sua voce arriva a placare ed a dissolvere il mio tormento ...

venerdì 14 dicembre 2012

... c'è una donna ...

... c'è una donna, là fuori ...
la sua casa è in una città
... lontana da qui ...
il suo sguardo, la sua voce
hanno stregato il mio cuore ...

ed ora il mio pensiero corre a lei
veloce, e supera d'un balzo
lo spazio che ci separa,
mentre in me rimane
il desiderio di averla accanto ...

martedì 11 dicembre 2012

... ricordi ...

... ho ripercorso oggi i miei post di un anno fa e le musiche, a volte tristi, inserite da me in quel periodo ... mi sono commosso fino alle lacrime, ancora una volta incredulo per la gioia, la felicità che mi sta piovendo addosso, tremante per la paura di non riuscire a conservarla ...

lunedì 10 dicembre 2012

... un mio messaggio a lei ...

... sulla mia strada ho incontrato un'adorabile tigrotta, ora lei mi è accanto e sta graffiando dolcemente il mio cuore ... dalle ferite prima o poi sgorgherà per lei tutto l'amore di cui sono capace ...

domenica 9 dicembre 2012

... una giornata da ricordare ...

 ... tutto era iniziato, la giornata intendo, con la solita visita della domenica a mia madre, ma questa volta c'era qualcosa di nuovo: un appuntamento, un incontro alla stazione per riportare a casa da un weekend una donna, la donna che in poco tempo si è impadronita della mia mente e del mio cuore ... la donna che ho chiamato al telefono appena tornato a casa e che poi mi ha richiamato in serata, facendo sobbalzare il mio cuore ed incrinare fino a farla tremare la mia voce ... sono incredulo, travolto da avvenimenti più grandi di me, vittima felice della magia che emana da un essere femminile ...    


venerdì 7 dicembre 2012

poesia 3

     dedicato a una lei 3

... non posso ancora
chiamarti amore ...
... non posso ancora
dirti ti amo ...
... non posso ancora
baciarti le labbra ...
... non posso ... posso soltanto
tenerti tra le dita,
... piccolo fiore meraviglioso ...
con la paura che un colpo di vento
ti porti via, lontano da me ...

martedì 4 dicembre 2012

poesia 2

   dedicato a una lei 2

... la gioia di averti incontrata
    la felicità di rivederti
    la paura di perderti
    la nostalgia quando non ci sei ...

... la tua voce che mi emoziona
    i nostri sguardi che scavano dentro ...

... e poi il futuro da scoprire piano, piano ...

... insieme.

domenica 2 dicembre 2012

gioia ed incredulità

... l'incontro c'è stato, il secondo, dopo quello del 26/11, ed ha confermato quel feeling emerso in precedenza ... non riesco a trattenere la mia gioia e quel pizzico di felicità di cui "lei" è l'origine... ma sono anche incredulo, dopo le infinite batoste accumulate in passato ... mi sono ripromesso di fare un passo alla volta, senza voler strafare e cercando di non commettere errori ... e per il resto si vedrà ...