domenica 30 settembre 2018

... bye, bye ...

... per questa fine mese non scelgo la solita immagine di paesaggi autunnali, fiori, frutta etc ... piazzo un'inquadratura di uno dei miei giochi preferiti: Hellgate London, zombie e mostri a volontà ... ma, pensandoci bene, la vita non è forse un continuo scontrarsi con situazioni e figuri a dir poco imbarazzanti? Coraggio quindi, affrontiamo con grinte questi ultimi tre mesi, con la speranza di uscirne vincitori!

venerdì 28 settembre 2018

... gratitude ...

GRATITUDE…a letter from Michael Moore Friends,

 Thank you. Thank you. And thank you! Thank you for the thousands of emails, texts, phone calls, tweets, DMs, Facebook posts and Instagram comments, sharing your experience of watching “Fahrenheit 11/9” in the theater on opening weekend. I am overwhelmed. I am overjoyed. And my crew and I are so proud. The film is a bona fide hit. Not a "Transformers" type hit (although the word from every theater manager was that hundreds of thousands of people left the theaters feeling very transformed!), and it's not a "Fast and Furious” hit (although everyone who saw it knew that we all have just 6 weeks to move fast and be furious if we are ever to get rid of Trump!). But check this out: How cool is that? And in addition to having the largest opening weekend this year for a documentary, "Fahrenheit 11/9" had the 3rd most successful opening ever for a political doc! It was nearly three times greater than the opening weekend for my 2002 film, "Bowling for Columbine.” The box office has already surpassed what we spent making this film! Not many movies can make that claim! Other than our first "Fahrenheit" movie 14 years ago, it just doesn't get much better than this! Although I subscribe to and love Netflix and Amazon Prime and Hulu, I still believe that a movie should be seen in a theater with other people sharing the same experience with you. Especially for "Fahrenheit 11/9." As viewers and critics have attested to, it is a powerful, intense and exhilarating experience. Some audience members have been so moved by this film, they've taken to social media -- get this -- to offer to pay for anyone's ticket -- especially for those who usually don't vote (America's largest political party - "The NonVoters Party” - 100 million+ strong). Others just want as many people as possible to see this movie so they'll just buy your ticket! This is crazy -- I've never seen anything like this. Take a look: And here’s another! In Chicago, this man started a GoFundMe page to donate free movie tickets to “Fahrenheit 11/9” and help spread the word! I mean, whoa. Seriously, WHOA! And then, unbeknownst to me, acclaimed cinematographer Jayme Roy, who has shot some of my films, and worked on "Fahrenheit 11/9," was so impacted by finally seeing the finished film at the LA premiere last week, he made this offer to his Facebook friends: Yesterday, I received a note from Leila Jarman of Women’s Voices Now/GlobalGirl Media, a non-profit which promotes the voice and leadership capacity of young women by teaching them digital journalism and storytelling to affect social change. Leila was so touched by the film, that she asked about setting up a screening for all of the girls in her program. With Melissa Schaaf and Jayme Roy's generosity as my inspiration, I told Leila that I'll personally pay for a screening for GlobalGirl Media at a theater of their choosing. I can't tell you how strongly everyone is saying this movie has affected them and how they believe this film will affect change and get out the vote. Over and over people have said, "this movie must be seen by all Americans regardless of political party." I know what they mean. My crew and I have told a story in "Fahrenheit 11/9" that you have not seen anywhere on the news, or found anywhere on social media. Here's an idea. If you have the financial means, I encourage you to do what Melissa and Jayme have done -- offer to pay for 10 or 50 or 100 people who either can't afford to go to the movies or pay for the people who are thinking of sitting out the midterm elections. I'm convinced that once a nonvoter sees this film, they won't be nonvoting this time around! Here’s another: go as a group! Gather your friends, neighbors, coworkers or local political group! It’s happening all over the country (and you can contact your local theater for a group discount!): I want to see a tsunami of Americans at the polls on November 6th! This movie is my effort to help make that happen. Come see what I'm talking about -- this film will eff you up in all the right ways -- and when you leave the theater you will be 8 miles high, walking on sunshine and talkin' bout a revolution. Again, my immense gratitude to all who've seen "Fahrenheit 11/9" Yours, Michael Moore P.S. Don't forget - we will have less than 24 hours to stop the Trump/Republican rush to shove Brett Kavanaugh onto the Supreme Court. Check with MoveOn about today's demonstrations. The Women's March have actions planned (go to and if you live in Maine or Alaska, head to your pro-choice Republican Senator's offices. This is it! Everyone off the bench and into the game!

... from Michael Moore ...

WATCH: Donald Trump's Sexual Predator Friends This morning, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear testimony from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford about the night she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh, the judge nominated to the Supreme Court by a president who is a self-admitted sexual predator. She believed she was about to be raped and thought she might die. How did we end up here? How does a man with multiple, credible allegations of sexual assault make it this far, on the brink of a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court? First of all, we've always been here. Forever. None of this is new. Women have had to suffer this since the beginning of time. And men have always had friends in high places and systems set up to make sure they've never had to face any consequences for their actions. The media, over the decades, have failed to confront this issue and have supported, hired and defended their male sexual predator friends. In my new film, "Fahrenheit 11/9", I name names and show how not only did the male media CEOs sic their male stars on women (like Hillary Clinton) who would dare to seek power, they abused the very women who worked for them. Here's a brief clip from my movie about these sexual predators who control the news and information we receive. Please feel free to share. But what if we've reached a turning point? What if the women of the U.S. Senate, backed by millions of women around the country, grabbed them all by the collar and gave them the heave-ho? And what if millions of male allies did the right thing and stood strongly behind them? The Republicans are on a mission to outlaw abortion. Two or four or six allegations of rape and abuse will not get in the way of the government claiming authority over one gender's reproductive organs. They have no shame, no decency and will use use any means necessary to get their way. We must not let this confirmation go through. We must fight back even harder. -Michael Moore Share Tweet Forward You are receiving this email because you opted in at Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list

... Papa Luciani ...

... 40 anni fa, nella notte tra il 28 ed il 29 settembre 1978, moriva Albino Luciani, Papa Giovanni Paolo I ... di morte naturale certo, però ...

giovedì 27 settembre 2018

... 20 anni ...

... 20 anni, e non li dimostra! Grazie Google, c'è chi ti critica, ma a me sei servito e servi, eccome!

mercoledì 26 settembre 2018

... 26/9/1988 ...

... a 30 anni dal suo assassinio per mano mafiosa è quanto mai viva la figura di questo sessantottino ...

martedì 25 settembre 2018

... esame feci ...

... stamane mio primo prelievo di feci per la ricerca del sangue occulto: esame da me sempre in precedenza trascurato, ma essenziale con il passare degli anni ...

lunedì 24 settembre 2018

... stop and go ...

... stop and go: stamane ho chiuso definitivamente il contatto Messenger con Lory ... il rapporto non deve essere a senso unico, e poi non si può viaggiare su due binari paralleli ...

sabato 22 settembre 2018

... autunno ...

... è finita l'estate o finirà comunque tra poche ore ed io sogno già un'altra estate, da passare, almeno per qualche giorno, in riva al mare, a guardare incantato quelle onde e quei gabbiani, liberi nel cielo ...

venerdì 21 settembre 2018

... addio Inge ...

E' morta stanotte Inge Schönthal Feltrinelli, l'ultima grande regina dell'editoria internazionale. Il 24 novembre avrebbe compiuto 88 anni. Se n'è andata con la stessa riservatezza silenziosa con cui aveva l'abitudine di lasciare una festa. Non amava le cerimonie degli addii, forse perché ne aveva vissuti tanti. E la malattia e il dolore appartenevano a un suo lato privato che preferiva tenere in ombra. La chiamavano The queen of publishing. In un'Italia ancora provinciale, sessant'anni fa, portò un pezzo di mondo. E nella caotica redazione di Via Andegari, laboratorio di rivoluzioni e utopie, affiancò Giangiacomo Feltrinelli nella sua impresa culturale, moderna e cosmopolita. Dopo la tragica morte del fondatore, nel marzo del 1972, fu la vera salvatrice della casa editrice, poi consegnata al figlio Carlo in buona salute e con un patrimonio culturale invidiabile.

... on the beach ...

... pensavo fosse già iniziato l'autunno, invece quest'anno inizierà il giorno 23/9 ... poco importa, in me c'è già nostalgia di mare: il prossimo anno ci ritaglieremo un po' di giorni da passare "on the beach"

martedì 18 settembre 2018

... 18 settembre 1938 ...

... il discorso tenuto a Trieste da Mussolini precipitava l'Italia nella vergogna delle leggi razziali ...

sabato 15 settembre 2018

... 25 anni fa ...

... Padre Pino Puglisi Beato: il giusto riconoscimento per una militanza cristiana immacolata contro lo strapotere mafioso ...

venerdì 14 settembre 2018

... un mese dopo ...

... il crollo del ponte Morandi un mese dopo ... una tragedia che doveva essere evitata, un simbolo di quest'Italia a pezzi!

giovedì 13 settembre 2018

... an invitation ...

An Invitation from Michael Moore to Attend the “People’s Premiere” of “FAHRENHEIT 11/9” on Wednesday, Sept 19!

 I would love for you to join me for a special “People’s Premiere” advance screening of my new movie “FAHRENHEIT 11/9” on Wednesday of next week. No, you don’t have to travel to Los Angeles or New York City to be part of it. You just need to click on this link, find the closest theater and grab a few friends! Or, if you have a local activist group you’re part of, such as MoveOn, Democracy for America, Our Revolution, SwingLeft, Indivisible, ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Democratic Socialists of America, you can turn this into a group event. Thousands will be gathering on Wednesday, September 19th, at hundreds of movie cinemas around the country to watch the film two days BEFORE it opens to the public in theaters nationwide. It is “The People’s Premiere” because I believe this movie is going to be one of our biggest tools in getting a record turnout to the polls on November 6th. I want you to join with activists and citizens on one night in all 50 states and DC to participate in what the critics have already called my “best film yet,” “a tour de force,” “a punch in the gut of America” and “ferocious.” It has a 100% score on Rotten Tomatoes. I will promise you this movie goes at Trump in a way no one has and it is going to ignite audiences all across America. With an online tool called Gathr (think Movie Theater-on-Demand) you can walk your own red carpet and be among the very first to see “Fahrenheit 11/9” on the big screen. More than 600 theaters around the country are standing by to host this People’s Premiere. This will be the largest film premiere in history! If enough tickets are sold in advance at your local theater by next Monday, you’ll get to see the film there and be part of a special Q&A with yours truly. So buy your ticket(s) today: and spread the word to family, friends, neighbors and co-workers! Here’s how it works: Click on the theater near you on the map at this link: If there’s not a GreenLight next to your theater, you can reserve a ticket by pre-authorizing your credit card. You are just reserving your seat– your credit card will only be charged once your screening has met a minimum number of reservations and has a GreenLight. If there is a GreenLight next to the theater, your ticket purchase will be processed immediately. Gathr will send you an email link to download and print your ticket. Voila. If a theater near you isn’t listed on the map, you can change that by requesting a screening. You’ll hear back from Gathr within 2 days if that theater is available. This is your chance to see what New York Magazine just called “one of the most urgent films EVER made.” I can’t express strongly enough how critical these next two months are for the history of our country. I’ve made a film that I strongly believe meets the urgency of the times in which we live. I hope you will see it…and I hope you will act. See you on September 19th! Michael Moore

martedì 11 settembre 2018

... sindrome Fenati ...

... follia, violenza e stupidità: il gesto di fenati in piena corsa è un esempio di malcostume, di mancanza di rispetto per gli avversari, di stupida arroganza: Vi presento l'italiano medio!

lunedì 10 settembre 2018

... chiusa parentesi ...

... il tuffo nel passato si è concluso ... non poteva continuare senza mettermi seriamente in imbarazzo: il passato può anche ritornare, ma è il ritorno di un fantasma, evanescente ed inconsistente ... il calore di un corpo di donna, una bocca fremente, i tuoi sensi a mille, ed infine il riposo nella nostra casa, questa è la realtà ... ... stasera 11/9 messaggio di Lory: mio tuffo al cuore e mia risposta dolcissima con un gattino tra le lenzuola ... non è finita!

domenica 9 settembre 2018

... FAHRENHEIT 11/9...a note from Michael Moore ...

In my lifetime, I've had maybe only a dozen days like the one I've woken up to this morning. It's the day that a new film of mine will have its World Premiere, and that is what will happen tonight for FAHRENHEIT 11/9 at the Opening Night kick-off of the Toronto International Film Festival, North America's premiere film event. I am just hours away from that moment when the lights will dim, the curtain will rise and my work, with all its revelations and warnings and dangerous ideas -- well, dangerous politically to a President who has no intention of ever leaving office unless the Secret Service physically drags him out of there -- will be shared with the world. This siren call of a movie is my contribution to ignite the fire underneath a despairing, dispirited public who must -- MUST -- do its job and end the madness at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I have spent the better part of this year constructing a film that will not only explain how the @#&% we ended up with Trump, but also help show us the way out. I must warn you -- I do not pull ANY punches in the film. No one is spared - not even me. It is already being talked about as one of the most anticipated films of the fall, and just yesterday, this wonderful piece was published in The Hollywood Reporter! This film is THE moment of truth we've all needed for sometime, and I truly believe its release nationwide on Sept. 21st will be the real beginning of the end for Donald J. Trump (and perhaps, more importantly, the eventual end of the rotten, corrupt system that gave us Trump in the first place). I also believe we have, as we approach November 6th, a massive tsunami of women, young people and people of color (i.e., TWO-THIRDS of the American public) who maybe -- just maybe -- will drown the whole stinkin' lot of them in a record number of ballots for a midterm election. But this will not happen on its own -- and any early celebrations of victory like those that happened in 2016, are sure to keep the Republicans in power for years to come. Donald J. Trump did not just fall from the sky. His rise to the presidency was not an aberration and should not have come as a shock. It was the logical end result of a long, downward spiral in America that culminated in one of our most loathsome citizens conquering our most powerful office. One of our most deceptive minds, commanding the bully pulpit. One of our most fraudulent hucksters, armed with the powers of the presidency to protect him. Ever since that fateful morning at 2:29 AM on 11/9/16 when the Associated Press officially called the election for our nation’s new leader, we have been trying to save what's left of our democracy. This is not a film telling you what a jerk Donald Trump is or what an buffoon Donald Trump is or what a liar Donald Trump is. You already know all that. Everybody already knows all that (except for your conservative brother-in-law whose mind you’ll never be able to change). I wouldn’t waste your time or my time making that kind of film. And with all due respect to your conservative brother-in-law, we don’t need him. We’re the majority in this country, he’s the minority, he knows it and that’s why he’s so mad! Instead, my team and I have been on a mission to tell a much, much more important story. It’s a story about hope... and what comes after it. It’s a story about deception and betrayal. It’s a story about what happens to people when they’ve hit rock bottom. It’s the story about who we are as a people and what it means to be an American in the era of Donald J. Trump. Finally, it’s a story about where we might be heading as a society. My crew and I have moved heaven and earth to make sure we deliver this film to you in time to have an impact on this year's midterm elections. I’m excited to announce to you that “Fahrenheit 11/9” will open in more movie theaters than any of my previous films -- over 1,500 theaters across America! (It will also be opening in dozens of countries around the world.) We open nationwide on September 21st, 45 days before the most important election in American history (and with voter registration still open nationwide!). I’m writing you today because I need your help. I’ve made a film that was meant to be seen on a big screen, in a dark theater, filled with a hundred strangers. My hope is that you will experience the magic of cinema the way it was meant to be experienced, in a movie theater. It's the best way to truly feel the big story I'm telling you. Any bit of anger, despair, or frustration you’ve felt over the past few years must be channeled into action this fall! I am on my way to Toronto. I don't have to make a run for the border a la "The Handmaid's Tale" -- yet. For tonight, I'll just be showing a movie. Then on Monday night in Flint, I will hold the US premiere of FAHRENHEIT 11/9. After that, everyone will have the chance to see it. We are the majority -- never forget that. But we need to rise up. That’s the only way out of this mess. All my best, Michael Moore P. S. I'll bring you into the world premiere tonight via Facebook Live just before 11pm ET.

sabato 8 settembre 2018

... 8 settembre 1943 ...

... 75 anni fa il giorno più buio della Storia della nazione italiana ...

venerdì 7 settembre 2018

... HURRA! ...

... oggi telefonata dal mio avvocato: pare, e sottolineo PARE che la controparte non abbia fatto richiesta di accedere alla Cassazione ... naturalmente attendo una conferma scritta, ma se ci fosse, sarebbe per noi la vittoria definitiva, e forse, e sottolineo FORSE riusciremmo a mantenere la proprietà della casa di Mattie ...

mercoledì 5 settembre 2018

... tornato! ...

... eh già! E ora comincia il bello!

... 80 anni fa ...

... 80 anni da una serie di provvedimenti legislativi infami che coprirono di vergogna un'intera nazione ...

lunedì 3 settembre 2018

... ancora pulizie ...

... stamane il completamento delle pulizie nella casa di Mattie ...

... 36 anni fa ...

... un omicidio che svela tutto il marcio esistente negli apparati dello stato.

domenica 2 settembre 2018

... petit roi ...

... una visita del piccolo Marco: pianti disperati all'inizio poi, in ultimo un po' di gioco tranquillo ... la prossima volta andrà meglio ...

sabato 1 settembre 2018

... settembre ...

... che cosa accadrà in settembre? Lo scopriremo solo vivendo, forza allora!